Intertherm Nordyne RV Air Conditioner Shroud

Price: $398.53
  • Packaging Fee: $15.00
    Total Fees: $15.00
    Minimum Order Qty 0 Orders less than 0 will be charged $0.00
    Model Number:  12-12742
    Time To Ship:  12 days

  • Shroud fits select Intertherm and Nordyne air conditioners.

     Overall shroud dimension is 42.25" x 27.25" 7.75" high. 

    It has 9 holes around the outside for mounting it to the bottom portion of the chassis (not included). 

    This is a replacement for model numbers 668782, 687000, 687001, 687003, 668706, 668707-0 & 452840. 

    The model numbers should be found on the top of the interior chasis. 

    We highly recommend that you confirm measurements before purchasing.

    Product Photo