RV Water Tank 51 x 20 x 13 - 54 Gallons

Price: $534.76
  • Packaging Fee: $15.00
    Total Fees: $15.00
    Minimum Order Qty 0 Orders less than 0 will be charged $0.00
    Model Number:  12-23563
    Time To Ship:  7 days

  • Rotational molded 54-gallon freshwater tank

    Dimensions 51"L x 20"W x 13"D

    Manufacturing Process: Rotational Molded

    Volume (Gallons): 54

    Length (Inches): 51

    Width (Inches): 20

    Depth (Inches): 13

    Material: PE

    Ships UPS

    Made to order item upon order- NOT in stock. Lead time 21 days to ship. 

    Fittings can be installed with the submission of a tank diagram when ordering. (Please call for email to submit diagram.)

    Link for 06-DIAGRAM here. 

    Product Photo