Plastic Fender Skirt 71 3/8 x 16 3/4 Fits Jayco

Price: $338.83
  • Packaging Fee: $15.00
    Total Fees: $15.00
    Minimum Order Qty 0 Orders less than 0 will be charged $0.00
    Model Number:  12-12753
    Time To Ship:  7 days

  • 71 3/8" x 16 3/4" Tandem Fender Skirt  ABS plastic.

    This replacement fender skirt is textured. 

    Sold and priced individually 

    Fits Jayco RV's and may fit these specific units

    Jayco Eagle

    Jay Flight

    Jay Flight G2

     Jay Flight Bungalow


    Octane ZX

    Recon ZX


    Product Photo